Sunday, February 7, 2010

Leg Warmers and LJ SMith

Last night I hauled all of my teen novels out of storage.
Maybe not all, I seem to have misplaced some. Likely, they are in storage.
Again I was struck by the fact that just like leg warmers, the books of the late 80's/early 90's are finding themselves on the shelves again. And not just the shelves of used bookstores. They're sporting shiny new covers with trendy new cover art in the biggest retailers around. Personally, I prefer the old ones. There's something about the use of real people on the covers of the books that has always bothered me. If my stomach wasn't rolling around right now maybe I could figure out what that is.
After finishing the Twilight sage the first book to on my reread list is Christopher Pike's Fall Into Darkness always one of my favorites. It's so funny. After all these years, two decades in some cases, I can still remember the stories just by looking at the covers, and feel the emotions the skillful craft of Christopher Pike wrought in me. Granted, it will be different now as I am older and have lived through quite a bit. Although I am finding that the difficulties I have lived through actually help me connect with some of the stories I read..the difficulties and the most romantic and heartbreaking new beginning...The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful love story of my own. Some adults may laugh that I read teen novels but they shouldn't. My life could serve as inspiration for some of those "silly" novels. Fairytale romances, with all the strife and stupidity and horror and reunions, really do happen. But that's my tale to tell, one day.

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