Monday, June 6, 2011

For a Change in Pace

Joan the Rouen (it rhymes) being cheeky

There are other things I do with my life besides read and peddle my book and read and research and write. Things like laundry and weeding the garden and laundry. I am also a referee and judge, a defender of justice (or the necessity of silence within the home for certain lengths of time, it's a fine line). There are ducks to feed and water, a coop to muck out (this is also my husband's fault, we only have ducks because they were on clearance and he can never pass up a good sale). And many, many more mundane things (such as dishes and dirty bathrooms) fill my days to overflowing. O and let's not forget having two boys in Little League and two in Scouts. So, I am plodding along, trying to work on Book 2. But honestly, most nights I pass out before getting much done. And then my husband calls me four minutes after I pass out because he's on his way home and it's late and we talk throughout the entire hour-long drive because it helps keep him awake. By the time he gets home it's 1 in the morning (or later) and the ducks and chickens will need to be let out of the coop in five hours (or fewer) because leaving them in too long only irritates them and causes them to make an even bigger mess.
So I am trying, trying to write book 2 for those of you who shake your fists in the air at me and say, "Why!? Why must you leave me hanging in this way!?" But there is research and there are unruly characters who mangle my original idea for the story.
My brain is addled. I will no longer opt to weed the stoopid garden at noon. That was a moronic idea.

The von Strassenberg Saga is also available for Kindle. $2.99. Buy the paperback from Barnes and Noble, it's cheaper there!

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