Saturday, March 26, 2011

70,989 to Go!

Maybe it’s desperate, but my heart soars every time someone actually pays to read my YA novel. The idea that anyone would give of their time and money to read something that I poured eight months of my chaotic life into is simply thrilling. Well, including the marketing and editing it’s been almost a year. I actually sat on the idea of Filter several months before even beginning the research. All the girls on campus were going gaga over Twilight and it seemed like every time I picked up a new release at the bookstore it had some plot line very similar to Twilight’s…or the Vampire Diaries because really, how can you not see the similarities between those two? So I decided that for the first time in nearly a decade I would begin writing again. It would be a story filled with teen angst and the wicked darkness of the human heart, but no fur and no fangs. There was actual research involved. My husband bought, “Genetics for Dummies” for me (he’s a brave man..but genetics isn’t exactly my forte, so it was appreciated) and I scoured the internet for my historical research and supplements to my scientific research. The beginning of the story formed itself in my mind as I was reading Austrian history but I began at the end and in the middle of the story. The roots you will have to wait for. And it will not be what you expect. It’s fun and difficult not to let on, to not give you too much, but it will make you gasp in the end and you will say, “Take that, stupid vampires!” Because what I write is actually real and could actually have happened. And that is more unsettling than any paranormal tale you could ever spin. Reality is more unsettling than many of us want to realize.
….The title refers to the number of books remaining to sell before I can pay off my student loans, mind you, I don’t get the full cut of the $2.99 it costs! Payments begin in two months…ug. And keep in mind, reviews are Indie Author’s bread and butter!
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