Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The von Strassenberg Saga ~ Yet Another Review

From Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/173084874
"Oh my goodness. Run, do not walk, to your nearest computer/Nook/Kindle/smartphone and order this book. Filter is an absolute must-read. I am going to try very hard not to include any spoilers in this review because I can't stand having a book possibly ruined for a future reader! 

The story is so riveting that you can't stop thinking about it as you go about the rest of your daily life. There are authors who know how to end a chapter and then there is Gwenn Wright who practically drives you into the beginning of the next chapter with her skillfull weaving of just the right balance of suspense and revelation! You are simply drawn back to Wright's beautiful descriptions and the completely enthrallling characters if you are ever able to put this book down for any length of time--which I obviously was not able to do since I finished it in about 36 hours. You will laugh and cry and hurt and rage with her characters, who are so completely developed you feel they could jump of the page. Wright's physical descriptions, especially eye color, are so clever and build so much into the reader's knowledge of her characters. You want nothing more than to keep reading until suddenly the book ends and you are dying for more! I simply can't wait for the next segment of the Van Strassenberg Saga!"
Available at Amazon ($2.99 for Kindle, paperback editions will be available again in a week. Publishing a new edition with the opening chapters to book 2.)
 For Nook  (also $2.99) at http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/filter-gwenn-wright/1100248778?ean=2940012882028&itm=1&usri=filter%2bgwenn%2bwright

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